Friday, January 28, 2011

Last Day of the Semester!!

Finally the first semester has ended. I feel that this first semester of AP I have accomplished a lot of work that I can use in my portfolio. I now need to start worrying about how to glaze my pieces, especially the large ones, and how the glaze will pull them all together to form a concentration.

This weekend is the pit firing! I hope it goes well and all of the pieces turn out good!

Friday, January 21, 2011

End of Semester

So the semester is coming to a close and not much is going on right now. Just finished a vase but its been moved to the kiln, thus I did not get a photo of it. Not sure if we even have to do a blog this week but if we do here it is!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Been working on a circular vase, formed from a doughnut, foot, and vase top. Not much else happening right now except AMY IS LEAVING!!!

Have a quick birth Amy :)

(Fetus Blake Burnham)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Work

I am starting to think about glazes this month and how I want to glaze my concentration. I am thinking of doing a tribal theme on all of my pots and keeping it simple with neutral colors and bare clay on most of the pots. I like this glaze job on this pot: